Monday, June 4, 2012

Are you giving me the finger, son?

First of all, I guess I need to apologize for not blogging.  First the computer was broken.  Then I hadn't blogged in so long, I forgot my password.  Geez.  I think these kids are making me flake out ;)

As for the title, it is not what you think.  We also refer to it as 'pointing with a purpose'.  Choo will get that index finger going specifically to what he wants.  But, now, he is giving us two step commands.  He will point to food, then to the plate.  So, sometimes now I will incorporate a finger point along with the words.  I want you to come here.  When he feels like ignoring me, he giggles.  Let me tell you, that does wonders for my parental self esteem.

I have to brag on my little man.  It seems something has clicked with regards to cognition.  He grabbed me recently to go into his room, because one of the lamps on his dresser would not turn on.  I thought that maybe the bulb had burned out, then I saw the light bulbs on the dresser.  I got the 'finger' pointing to the bulb and then pointing to the lamp.  WOW.  I changed the bulb and light still didn't work.  I switched the bulb with the other lamp and still no progress.  So I told him that the lamp was broken.  I searched and got him another lamp to put in his room.  I had absolutely no intention of taking the broken lamp out of the room, as he seemed very upset that it wouldn't work.  While talking to myself (yes, I do that a lot), I said, "I'm going to have to throw that away."  I got escorted out once he was happy with the new lamp.

No less than two minutes after I left his room, he comes into the den with the broken lamp and hands it to me.  I promptly put it in the garage to deal with later.  Apparently, that was not good enough.  He brought me over to the large black bags and pointed to the lamp and then to the bag.  He wanted me to throw it away.  Well, of course I did what I was told to do!!  I am amazed when these clear moments of cognition seem to come out of nowhere!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW....This brought tears to my eyes....I can still remember when my mini-me, at almost 6 finally equated ma ma with me as her mama...that was the beginning of her becoming very, very verbal....4 yrs later and she still continues to amaze me daily:)
